…you didn’t get to go to school….
…and neither did half the people you know…
…just like almost half the children in Sub-Saharan Africa.
…what you and UNICEF could do together…
…so that Africa’s children no longer have to imagine school!
Transforming Lives through Education
Schools for Africa is a worldwide joint initiative of UNICEF, and the Nelson Mandela Foundation that aims to create schools that offer a safe environment where children can learn, play and have access to clean water and sanitation facilities.
UNICEF Canada and the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign is bringing hope for the future by supporting the Schools for Africa programme in two specific countries: Malawi and Rwanda. Together with our global partners, UNICEF’s Schools for Africa programme aims to enable one million children in Malawi and Rwanda to go to school.
Canadian schools and other generous supporters around the world have been helping us reach this goal by:
Providing 511 schools with desks so that children can concentrate with proper seating and writing surfaces, and keep their uniforms cleaner by not sitting on the dirt floor. Building 186 water tanks in 112 schools to ensure safe drinking water for students and so that the daily chore of obtaining clean water doesn’t get in the way of attending school. Equipping 114 schools with latrines that play an important role in preventing girls from dropping out of school. Training 6,940 teachers to provide children with quality basic education and life skills. Providing soccer balls to 234 schools (as well as whistles and ball-inflating kits) so that children have an opportunity to play team sports. UNICEF also supports the training of teachers as coaches and the construction of playground and recreational facilities. Overall, more than 465,000 students have benefited from these initiatives!!